Lab Testing

Finding Balance Through Hormone Testing
Saliva testing gives you the accurate, actionable, clinical information you need - fast. It’s the critical first step on the road to a
better feeling you!
"Menopause is not a single point in time when hormone production is switched off for good, but a gradual evolution that brings an end to fertility. The ultimate pause in ovarian function is a normal feature of growing older and reshapes the way we think, feel, and phase in the 'second adulthood'" -a fresh approach to aging first proposed in The Silent Passage, the book that changed the dialogue on menopause.
The three stages of menopause
1. Pre Menopause- The PMS Years
2. Peri-Menopause- The Rollercoaster Years
3. Menopause/ Post Menopause- The End of Periods
Watch this 30-second video to learn more about ZRT and how lab testing can help you find the freedom to live life the way you want to live.
Schedule An Appointment Today To Learn More About Common Hormone Imbalances , Food Sensitivities, Or Neurotransmitter Levels. 479-262-2156
- Adrenal Stress Index Panel
The Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) panel is a simple non-invasive test utilizing four saliva samples collected at specified time periods during the day. It was introduced by Diagnos-Techs in 1989 to evaluate stress, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
The Bone Health Panel (BHP) provides an assessment of bone health utilizing a combination of non-invasive saliva and urine tests. It measures how fast bone is being lost and the hormone levels associated with bone health.
Food Allergy (Sensitivity) Panel
The Food Allergy (Sensitivity) Panel tests for an immune response to four of the most common food allergens: gluten, soy, milk and egg proteins. Antibodies to these foods can easily be tested for from a non-invasive saliva sample, providing information that can aid in successful treatment.
- Labrix sets new standards in laboratory medicine. Labrix neurotransmitter testing utilizes HPLC Triple Quadrupole MS/MS technology which is proving to be the most sensitive and accurate methodology for measuring urinary neurotransmitters. Labrix testing is higher sensitivity and has stronger results reproducibility than has been available through other methodologies; this gives you far greater confidence in the reported results. In addition to reliability and accuracy, Labrix leads the pack in terms of guaranteed turnaround times, easy to use kits and top of the line customer service.